*updated May 15, 2023
Siblings in Christ,
Cross Lanes United Methodist Church is an active faith community.
Together, we will continue to utilize every tool at our disposal to grow in love of God and neighbor even as we lovingly, faithfully, cautiously approach our in-person gatherings. Together, we will continue to:
- Participate in worship online. Worship services are made available every Sunday morning and are archived on the church website.
In addition to online worship, the following in-person opportunities are available:
- Indoor, In-Person Worship: Indoor worship will be hosted at 8:30AM and 11:00AM. To learn more about the safety protocols in place and the shape of service click here.
- Communion: Communion is now being served in our worship services on the first Sunday of every month.
- Enjoy small groups. To learn more about Book Club, Bible Study, or Sunday School opportunities email church leadership here.
If you are not yet connected to the Digest contact Communications chairperson, Jerry Meadows.
COVID Guidelines
Cross Lanes United Methodist Church is dedicated to continuous review of public health. As updates are required, you’ll be able to find them here. At this time, masks are not required but are available in the building should you need one. We are having in person activities, including use of our kitchen, nursery, and fellowship areas. We are grateful for the gift of being together.