Cross Lanes UMC Leadership Team Training and Workshops
Saturday January 27, 2024
9:30 Coffee Fellowship
10am – 2pm
CLUMC Fellowship Hall
We grow as followers of Jesus as we take the next steps in our faith journey.
As a part of the Cross Lanes UMC family of faith you are invited to be part of the upcoming Leadership retreat.
Our time together will be centered in prayer and focused on celebrating the ministries of Cross Lanes UMC as we look forward to journeying together in faith in 2024 and beyond!
The morning will include worship, a conversation about our mission and vision and break out sessions that will offer something for everyone. You do not need to serve on a ministry team or committee to attend the morning sessions.
10:00 Opening Worship
10:30 Breakout sessions
11:45 Lunch
12:15 Ministry teams meet
1:15 Church Council meets
Breakout sessions include:
Safe Sanctuary Training: an essential training for those working with youth and vulnerable adults. Rev. Janet Flanigan, retired Deacon and Christian Educator will lead this workshop.
Congregational Care Teams: providing care for our church members is something we’ve heard mentioned in the recent church survey. Cheryl Davis, CLM with an endorsement in Congregational Care and Nine Rivers District Lay Leader will lead this conversation.
Community Engagement: a conversation about how we work together to better the lives of our neighbors, and next steps in our engagement with our community.
Spiritual Gifts: what are spiritual gifts and how are they important for people of faith? Betty Ann Miskowiec, CLM with a certificate in Spiritual Formation, an endorsement in Congregational Care, as well as the CLM coordinator for the Nine Rivers District will lead this workshop. (You’re encouraged to take the spiritual gift inventory before the workshop. Visit: and be sure to print out your results and bring with you.)
After lunch the Finance, Trustees, SPRC, Hospitality, Worship, Communications, and Missions ministry teams will meet separately to review the responsibilities for the team and to discuss plans for the upcoming year.
There will be a Church Council meeting at the end of the gathering to wrap things up.
I look forward to this time of prayer, discernment, and shared learning! Please let Karen know if you are able to attend by Wednesday the 24th, so that we have numbers right for lunch.
Pastor Deborah