Worship with us this Advent!

We are blessed to offer several special opportunities for worship and fellowship this Advent season. Each of the following worship services provide an opportunity to draw closer to God and neighbor. As always, all are welcome to join us.

December 15 – Christmas Cantata, a multi-generational celebration, 10am (with fellowship time following)
Featuring our own worship musicians as well as the children and youth of Cross Lanes UMC, this year’s Christmas Cantata weaves the story of Mary and Joseph and their journey to Bethlehem with music and spoken word.

After worship join us for a time of fellowship. The Cross Lanes UM Youth will provide a hot chocolate bar and special treats!

December 18 – Wednesday night dinner with Christmas Caroling, 6pm.
Our last Wednesday night dinner of the year includes a delicious meal and the opportunity to join others in singing Christmas favorites. We can’t wait to sing in the Christmas season with you!

December 22 – Blue Christmas: prayer and healing service, 6pm
Yes, there is joy in the season, but for many Christmas can also be a season of hurt and so we are offering a Blue Christmas service this year. The reasons for coming are many, all are welcome. Some come because they are mourning the death of a loved one. Some are far from home. Some suffer from illness, addiction, or estrangement. Some are lonely, struggling financially, or in conflict with another. Some hurt because of the great pain, need, and violence in our nation and world. 

We gather in the midst of suffering to remember God is good. God is strong. God is near. We are not alone, and we have every reason to hold on to hope.

December 24 – Candlelight Christmas Eve worship, 7pm
Join us as we proclaim the Good News! Jesus, the Messiah is born! May the joy of Christmas and the hope that comes through our faith be born anew in you and yours this Christmas.